you lie, it wasn't reduced, you could of streamed it, it would of been about 100kb. Go back, stream the music, resubmit.
you lie, it wasn't reduced, you could of streamed it, it would of been about 100kb. Go back, stream the music, resubmit.
Dude..... I am NOT lying!!!
I did reduce the file-size
I just don't have a music-program.
But now, where I know where 2 get one.... I think I will get it right now!!
that sucked like ALL ur movies. BITCHual..mwahhahaa..
haha... you can shut up now
ummmm.. rigggght. and about ur other movie, if u call me an ignarant prick again i'll but you in the face asshole.
u didnt read the rules properly, it says "ask them to submit", so? it says "ask them to make an account and submit it" not "submit it under your own account even if they asked u to!"
anwyay, since when have i been stupid/ :P
right now you ignorant prick
the filesize was rediculous! fix it!
I try my best to make it small but 3D graphic take a lot of filesize.
that was really lame, it was way too big for what it is. stream the music
I originally had the music set to stream, but it didn't seam to be playing at the right time. *shrug*
I see you discovered the trace bitmap option.
no thought, just looped.
tried to make yourself look cooler by reviewing your own movie, how sad can you get?! Like, who uses "MINT" anyway? hahaha.
Trace Bitmap? WTF is that? Please explain.
soy ou imported some gifs....so what? bet your bare buttaz too.
to answer your question no i aint 'buttaz' neiva r u 4 dat matter.
it was cool, use the paint brush instead of pen, it looks better, plus you get pressure sense.
Hehe, thanx for the advice :)
But in the meanwhile, I've already figured that out :)
lol, i liked it
i thought my other movie was bettter
Konnichiwa from Japan!
Age 39, Female
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
Joined on 10/19/02